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ROCG Launches

ROCG Consulting, the business exit & value growth firm, is proud to announce the launch of which is the premiere site for business owners wanting to understand the benefits, processes and implementable strategies of proper exit planning which was developed by the partners of ROCG Consulting.

For over a decade, we’ve done much more than guide business owners through their exit from the business. Our proprietary roadmap helps owners take control over their destiny by planning their personal and business objectives proactively, implementing exit strategies properly and more importantly by building their business value. Most business owners started their companies with those key objectives in mind…
But then BUSINESS happened!!!

Statistics show that 60% of business owners are unable to exit their companies successfully. This means that only 4 out of 10 business owners will be satisfied with the exit from their companies. Whether it is the ability to exit on their term, finding the right successor, knowing what to do the day after or simply getting the value they were hoping for. Considering most business owners rely on the sale of the business to support their retirement, way of life and/or family – make sure you do not end up another statistic. It is essential you learn everything you can about the business exit process.
We designed this site to give you has many of these tools to allow you to learn on your own pace and on your own time. From articles to publications, short videos, webinars and our assessment tools.

You can start your journey on this site by taking our Exit Readiness Questionnaire. This questionnaire provides business owners with a free personalized scorecard indicating which of the 14 areas of the exit readiness process you may have already addressed and which you have to concentrate more effort on.

With this information and the rest of the content on this site you can begin planning ahead for your business exit, on your own terms, and on your own time table. If you need our help however, do not hesitant to contact one of our principal offices and we will help you achieve your personal & financial objectives.