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Signs you are ready to expand your business

Are you finally pushing profit margins into the green? Great! But don’t jump on the expansion wagon just yet… Take a breather, reassess and make sure that your business ticks […]

The Importance of a Management Team

Ask yourself this question; If you decided to take six months off from the business – as opposed to the old “what happen if you get hit by a bus” […]

Keys to a Successful Merger

Your business sale is imminent, a letter of intent has been signed and due diligence is about to begin. Usually at this point the seller’s job is done except for the […]

A Roadmap to a Successful Exit

Transition Planning for business owners is a process that encompasses both the personal and business issues the owner faces in preparing to exit their business. That in by itself is […]

What is an Offering Memorandum?

Business owners who are considering selling their businesses within the next 5 years should become acquainted with the Offering Memorandum. The Offering Memorandum (OM), also known by other industry names, is a […]