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A Roadmap to a Successful Exit

Transition Planning for business owners is a process that encompasses both the personal and business issues the owner faces in preparing to exit their business. That in by itself is […]

What is an Offering Memorandum?

Business owners who are considering selling their businesses within the next 5 years should become acquainted with the Offering Memorandum. The Offering Memorandum (OM), also known by other industry names, is a […]

ROCG Roadmap Explained

Transition Planning for business owners is a process that encompasses both the personal and business issues the owner faces in preparing to exit their business. That in by itself is […]

ROCG Launches

ROCG Consulting, the business exit & value growth firm, is proud to announce the launch of which is the premiere site for business owners wanting to understand the benefits, […]

What Small Business Owners Need To Know in 2018

Source: Associated Press Written By: Joyce M. Rosenberg, Small business owners have entered 2018 with many questions about how big their tax bills will be, but they’re also optimistic about profiting […]